Worship Materials for Sunday 17th May 2020

Opening Song – Holy, Holy, Holy or Angus Dei or Every Move I Make



Psalm 66

Gospel – John 14: 15-21


St Jude’s Communion Service and Message – “Maintaining Hope”

A communion service for the Sixth Sunday of Easter including worship music from our team (See the Light, King of Kings), communion liturgy and a timely and powerful message from Ps Andrew Peters – “Maintaining Hope”.

Final Song – For Those Tears I Died or What a Beautiful Name


Kids Activity Ideas

Give each child a pair or shoestrings and colourful thin permanent markers. Encourage children to write in small letters the words from today’s lesson that will continue to encourage them each day and will comfort them when they struggle and need guidance. If children don’t use shoestrings for their shoes, they can be used as a necklace to remember today’s lesson.

Children can be given construction paper and markers, stickers, glitter, etc to make a folded THANK YOU note to our Father for sending the Holy Spirit to be our comfort and our guide.. Stand the Thank You Notes on the classroom table and read them as the final prayer as children prepare to leave the class.