Our Pastoral Care ministries aim to encourage people to move from dependency to inter-dependency, whilst learning more about God and themselves in the process. We provide pastoral care for both our members and those in need in the wider community:
- Pastoral Care – our pastoral team carries out a pastoral caring and nurturing ministry to those in need of pastoral care.
- Prayer & Healing – prayer helps in times of stress and trouble, as well as when we are afflicted by illness. Our prayer team provides prayer for healing, strength and restoration for people. We ask that God’s miracle working power comes to the aid of those who are ill or in distress.
- Emergency prayer chain – is available to those who need the immediate support of praying Christians in an emergency. If this is what you need then please email us at info@cornerstone-church.com.au or phone: (07) 3353 2020.
- Home Communion – is also available on a fortnightly basis to those who are unable to regularly attend Church.