Opening Song – Broken Vessels (Amazing Grace) or O Worship the King or Hallelujah (for Kids)
Psalm 31
Gospel – John 14:1-14
St Jude’s Communion Service and Message – “How is Your Soul?”
A communion service for the Fifth Sunday of Easter including worship music from our team (Love so Great, You Never Fail), communion liturgy and an encouraging message from Ps Andrew Peters – “How is Your Soul?” (plus soul stretching exercises!).
Final Song – It is Well With My Soul (2 Versions) or Good Grace
Kids Activity Idea
Have children draw a squiggly line around a piece of paper and write their Bible verse on that squiggly line. Color in the little shapes where the lines come together for an “added effect” for their maze poster! For extra fun, have children hand someone else their verse maze and see if they can read it and follow the verse along the lines!