Worship Materials for Sunday 19th July 2020

Below are links to a range of resources that you can use for your worship this week along with your service booklets. The recordings of the liturgy are provided in separate videos, with another video for the message from Ps Andrew.

You can also watch these videos as a YouTube Playlist Here.

If you would prefer to watch the recorded service as a whole, it is also available here: Online Service for Sunday 19th July 2020

Opening Song – “O Where are the Reapers” or “See the Light” or “Jesus You’re My Superhero”

For lyrics select the “CC” button on the bottom right menu.

Greeting, Prayer of Preparation and Confession


Readings for 19th July 2020
(Seventh Sunday after Pentecost)

First Reading: Genesis 28:10-19

Psalm 139: 1-11 and 23-24

Second Reading: Romans 8:12-25

Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:24-43


Creed, Intercessions and Communion (Reserved Sacrament)

Message and Song – “Heirs of the Kingdom of God”

Blessing and Dismissal

Final Song – “Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy” or “Behold (Then Sings My Soul)”

For lyrics select the “CC” button at the bottom right.
For lyrics select the “CC” button at the bottom right.

Kids Activity Ideas


Let the children go outside and pick some weeds to glue onto a piece of brown paper. Tell children that we are ALL born “weeds” but that God wants us to NOT be weeds any longer and wants us to produce good fruit! Children can make the weeds into an ART piece to show that GOD wants us to make something beautiful out of the weeds!


Make a drawing of a “produce person.” Draw a pear for its torso, an apple for its belly, bananas for the arms, cucumber for the legs, and the silhouette of small pineapple for its head (the leaves will be the hair). Add the eyes, nose and mouth.