Worship Materials for Sunday 12th July 2020

Below are links to a range of resources that you can use for your worship this week along with your service booklets. The recordings of the liturgy are provided in separate videos, with another video for the message from Ps Andrew.

You can also watch these videos as a YouTube Playlist Here.

If you would prefer to watch the recorded service as a whole, it is also available here: Online Service for Sunday 12th July 2020

Opening Song – “Through it All” or “Awake My Soul” or “Crazy Noise”

Greeting, Prayer of Preparation and Confession


Readings for 12th July 2020
(Sixth Sunday after Pentecost)

First Reading: Genesis 25:19-34

Psalm 119:105-112


Second Reading: Romans 8:1-11

Gospel Reading: Matthew 13:1-23

Creed, Intercessions and Communion (Reserved Sacrament)

Message and Song – “Synergy – Working Together to See God’s Purposes Achieved”

Blessing and Dismissal

Final Song – “On Eagle’s Wings” or “You Are Life”

Kids Activity Ideas


Let children make a colourful Bible Bookmarker with “I WILL HIDE GOD’S WORD IN MY HEART” and tape a seed to the bookmarker. Write in colourful letters today’s Bible verse and try to memorize the verse before leaving class!


Make “accordian style” folds in a piece of tissue paper and then pull the tissue layers apart and add a chenille wire for the stem. Add a strip of paper to the stem with today’s Bible verse OR attach a seed packet to the “tissue flower arrangement” and tape a copy of the Bible verse on the packet.

“GOD’S WORD” Book: 

Give children paper and markers to draw and cut out a BIBLE and write GOD’S WORD on the front cover. They can then add pages with pictures or words from today’s lesson. Each page could have a SEED drawn or glued onto each and then draw the TYPE of soil that the “seed” fell on (ex: rocky, weeds, good soil, etc).


Give each child some seeds and take a WALK outside to place those seeds on the ‘types’ of soil that were discussed in the lesson.