Below are links to a range of resources that you can use for your worship this week along with your service booklets. The recordings of the liturgy are provided in separate videos, with another video for the message from Ps Andrew.
You can also watch these videos as a YouTube Playlist Here.
If you would prefer to watch the recorded service as a whole, it is also available here: Online Service for Sunday 28th June 2020
Introduction and Update (plus a Raffle!)
If you’re not a regular member of St Jude’s but would like to enter our raffle, please email your name, address and phone number to:
Opening Song – “Thine be the Glory” or “This I Believe” or “One Way”
Greeting, Prayer of Preparation and Confession
Readings for 28th June 2020
(Fourth Sunday after Pentecost)
First Reading: Genesis 22:1-14
Psalm 13
Second Reading: Romans 6:12-23
Gospel Reading: Matthew 10:40-42
Creed, Intercessions and Communion (Reserved Sacrament)
Message and Song – “Who are You?”
Blessing and Dismissal
Final Song – “Be Thou My Vision” or “Good Grace”
Kids Activity Ideas
Lay a long roll of paper in the middle of the table for children to draw on. Have children write today’s Bible verse along all the edges of the paper and then draw pictures of things or people that they trust! After all the drawings are completed, the teacher can take a BRIGHT colored marker and write JESUS across the roll of pictures!
The teacher can lead the children in a TRUST WALK. Along the way, the teacher will say such things as, “Everyone sit on one of these chairs… do you TRUST it to hold you up”, or “Do you trust this door to open and let you through”, or “Do you trust this refrigerator to keep your drinks cold” (and hand each child a cold juice box and a cookie might be nice at this time), or “stand here in one spot and do you trust your legs to hold you up”, or “While we’re outside and looking side to side, do you trust your eyeballs to move with the fluid around them so you can see everything?”, etc! Ideas for this can be MANY and then have children sit down on the ground and talk about things that we can TRUST GOD to do every day in our lives!
Give children various colors of chalk and let children take turns at adding to the picture as they see fit. First child could draw the mountain in our story; second child could draw part of an altar, third child could finish the altar, fourth child could draw Abraham, and continue the picture while telling the story again!