Worship Materials for Sunday 7th June 2020 (Trinity Sunday)

Below are links to a range of resources that you can use for your worship this week along with your service booklets. The recordings of the liturgy are provided in separate videos, with another video for the message from Ps Andrew.

If you would prefer to watch the recorded service as a whole, it is also available here: Online Service for Trinity Sunday 2020

Opening Song – Holy, Holy, Holy or Agnus Dei or This Little Light of Mine

Greeting, Prayer of Preparation and Confession


Readings for Trinity Sunday

First Reading: Exodus 34:1

Canticle of Daniel

Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 13:11-14

Gospel Reading: Matthew 28:16-20

Communion (Reserved Sacrament)

Message for Trinity Sunday – “The Name of God”

Blessing and Dismissal

Final Song – “How Sweet the Name of Jesus Sounds” or “Eagles Wings”

Kids Activity Ideas

Leader will have children stand in a line against the wall and begin to tell children that JESUS says to GO and ____________, or GO and _____________, etc. If JESUS says to do it, then the children can attempt to obey the command, (ex: GO and PRAY, GO and read your Bible, GO and quote your Bible verse today, GO and give someone a hug, etc). If JESUS doesn’t say to GO, then the children will stand still until the next command. This can lead into our Bible lesson today. (Teacher can let children take turns at this “Simon Says-type-game”).

Children can make bracelets with lettered beads if available and if time allows, OR children can make a construction paper bracelet that they have written DISCIPLE OF JESUS on and this can be taped to the child’s wrist, to remind them of their lesson today.